The Epic EMIS Education Management Information System is responsible for producing and monitoring education statistics within an education system. It is crucial for tracking changes, ensuring data quality and timely reporting of essential information for planning and management, and for facilitating the utilization of information in decision making by policy makers. The system’s effectiveness is dependent upon its sustainability, accountability, and efficiency. A successful EMIS is credible and operational in planning and policy dialogue.

Students can focus solely on their studies and academic activities while collaborating with their peers and teachers and enjoying a safe and rich learning environment.

Parents can monitor the academic performance and activities of their children from the comfort of their home to ensure successful outcomes for their children's education journey.

Teachers can improve their efficiency and time management capabilities by gaining access anytime anyplace to the records of their students.

Administrators can optimize the operations of their educational institutions by focusing on staff and students performance, improving student and parent satisfaction with a higher-quality education in a thriving learning environment.

Educational Planners can monitor the performance of students, academic and administrative staff, and education programs at the educational institution level to better manage the distribution and allocation of educational and financial resources.